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How is it Harrison?Some really good reflections on what you did when lofting. These reflections help me to see that you are getting to know quite a bit about the topic of lofting. We all make mistakes when learning how to loft, I know I did! But you are learning how to fix these errors.Can you add more to your lofting schedule? I can count only five lines in this.The last two photos shows me that you are starting to develop your angled transom. Can you remember the angle of this transom? Remember also that I asked you to look in a book and read about flat angled transoms?Can you remember the name of the book?  I think it was the blue one I showed you all in class. 

This blog is starting to look good but you need to keep working on it.Cheers


yes i know the blue book which named The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction, i red about it and saw the picture of Developing a raked flat transom.

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