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How is it Harrison?Some good photos of your AutoCAD drawing shown here.On the one that I see your toolbox in, can you name the three main views of the toolbox?What is the purpose of the other drawing that shows sort of a rectangle shape with two diagonal lines drawn through it?How did you find dimensoning?Did you do this on a seperate layer?I really like the isometric view of the toolbox. Can you remember how you changed the cross hairs into rectangular format?  Also how to change them back to normal view?Nice camber drawing. Was this hard to draw? What two things do you need to draw a camber?  Can you remember?How did you divide the circle into eqal parts? What command did you use?How did you draw the curved line of the camber?

When you answer all of these questions can you please put the answers by editing your blog? Answer these question next to the photo you think best suits.

Keep up the good work.

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